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2 Simple Money Spells

Writer's picture: T's Wicked WondersT's Wicked Wonders

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

There are some things in the magical world that I’m not sure about. We all have areas where we question what’s real, but money spells aren’t one of those things for me. I 100% believe that money spells really work work with very little effort.

If you’re someone who doesn’t entirely believe in witchcraft, you may want to start with money spells. After all, the results are totally tangible. Not only can you improve your finances with these spells, but you can gain utter confidence that spells are real.

Anybody can cast a money spell! If your money spell doesn’t work the first time, this simply means that you need to remove blockers or raise more energy while repeating the spell. Don’t be afraid to dive in and try it.

A good money spell creates abundance in your life. Everything else will improve when money starts flowing. I have always found that my career improved alongside my financial situation, so my money spells give me a sense of security and joy.

How Money Spells Work:

Ultimately, money by itself is completely neutral. The energy that you put into money will determine what it means to you. If you’re afraid of money or feel that you don’t deserve it, you probably won’t have very much of it. If you use money spells to gain momentum, you can keep it flowing and create abundance in your life.

A spell is a collection of focused energy that is sent out into the Universe. When you do this successfully, you receive what you requested back in your life. Energy can’t be created or destroyed, so it boomerangs around when you raise enough of it. This energy must be concentrated in order to see results from spell work.

When you cast a money spell, you’re essentially sending a whole bunch of energy into the Universe to create a flow of money in your life. The money will then take the path of least resistance to come to you. The more paths you leave open to receive money, the easier it will be to see results from your money spell.

Keep in mind that money won’t fall out of the sky. It will show up through real, tangible ways through people, places, or things.

Some of the way to receive money through spells are:

  • An unexpected bonus at work

  • A gift from a family member or friend

  • An offer for an odd-job

  • Backpay for something you forgot about

  • An unexpected increase in investments

And so many other ways. It could be the most random thing. Someone could visit your home, love your coffee table, and offer you double what it’s worth. The possibilities are endless!

1. An Easy Money Jar Spell

For long-term wealth. You may see the effects pretty quickly, but it will continue to work over time. I would rather receive a continuous flow of money than a lump sum!

For this money jar spell, you can also use a bag instead of a jar (similar to a mojo bag) ,but I’ve had more success with the money jar spell. I think the jar works better because it’s sealed, so the energy builds and builds. However, you can definitely swap the jar out for a small bag or pouch if that feels right to you. I wouldn’t let the moon cycles affect you too much; it’s your intention and energy that really counts. This all depends on your own practice and beliefs, of course.

If you feel called to cast this spell on a certain day, go for it. It might be a waning moon, but the moon may also be in Aries (which is fast and fiery), Capricorn (which is just straight up money), or another sign that works for you somehow. Any sign can be used to harness money energy. Lastly, you can charge this spell on the full moon regardless of when you cast it. You can even charge it in the sun if you like the sign that the sun is in! The possibilities are endless; the day you cast the actual money jar spell is only the beginning.


  • A green candle (tea-light, taper, pillar; anything works here)

  • A small jar with a cork or screw top

  • $100 dollar bill

  • Powdered cinnamon or cinnamon sticks

Cayenne pepper

  • 1 piece of Pyrite (Fool’s Gold)

  • A bay leaf

  • A pen or marker

Feel free to substitute ingredients as needed. However, I recommend using divination (such as your pendulum or Tarot cards) to make sure you’re substituting with appropriate ingredients.

How To Cast This Money Jar Spell:

1. Set up your spell work area. I like to clean my work table with vinegar, light a few extra candles, lay out my crystals for energy, and burn incense to cleanse the room.

2. Cleanse your tools using incense, sound, your pendulum, etc. Ground your energy then cast a circle.

3. Spend some time meditating on your intentions. Picture the result you want; you should visualize your life as though you already have the money you need.

4. Write out your intention on the bay leaf. You can substitute a piece of paper if necessary. Your intention can be simple, such as “money flows to me in large amounts,” or it can be more specific, such as “I receive $250 for my car payment.”

5. Raise your energy as you picture the ideal outcome. Put some of this energy into the bay leaf using your hands.

6. Combine the cinnamon, cayenne pepper, $100 bill, Pyrite, and bay leaf in the spell jar then seal it shut. You can simply close the jar, or you can seal it with wax if you prefer. Spend 5-10 minutes putting your energy into the jar using your hands. I recommend that you raise energy from the elements (like the earth or fire from the candle) so that you don’t feel fatigued when you’re done.

7. You don’t need to speak during the spell, but I do like to chant. This is what I say while I’m activating the jar:

Money, money, come to me

In abundance, three times three

Enrich me in the best of ways

Harming none on its way

Bring me money, three times three

This I accept, so mote it be!

It’s a pretty common money chant that has been around for many years. I also like how this chant includes the anecdote about “harming none.” Because my wording is kind of vague, I always try to include a clause about harming no one if possible.

Say this three times (or however many you feel intuitively). At this point, the spell is complete. You can close your circle. I do like to charge my money jar spell during the next full moon, but you can even charge it the same night you cast it or use even the sun instead. Check out the astrological signs to make sure the sign correlates with your intentions.

This money jar spell can be stored anywhere that is safe.

2. The Candle Money Spell

A candle money spell will typically work more quickly than the money jar spell, but it might not last as long. However, I find that this spell is great fortimes when you need a set amount of money.


  • A green pillar or chime candle

  • Money dressing oil

  • A bay leaf (you can substitute for a piece of paper if necessary)

  • A pen or marker

  • A firesafe pan or bowl to burn your bay leaf

Although not everyone uses a money dressing oil, I like to dress my candles before any candle spells. My money dressing oil is super easy to make. I simply combine olive oil with ginger and cinnamon powder. After quickly charging this money oil, it’s ready to go.You can also find some great money oil options on Etsy. I also make and sell money oils to my customers. If you buy a money oil online, make sure to clear it then charge it after you receive it.

How To Cast This Money Candle Spell:

Note: It’s a good idea to have a fire extinguisher ready before performing any magic involving candles or open flames.

1. Set up your spell work area. I like to clean my table with vinegar, light a few extra candles, lay out my crystals for energy, and burn incense to cleanse the room.

2. Cleanse your tools using incense, sound, your pendulum, etc. Ground your energy then cast a circle.

3. Spend some time meditating on your intentions. Picture the result you want; you should visualize your life as though you already have the money you need.

4. Dress your candle with the money dressing oil. This means that you rub the oil into the candle in a downward motion (in order to increase rather than banish), being careful to avoid the wick. If you prefer, you can draw a money sigil onto the candle, or you can do both. When you’re done, light the candle.

5. Write out your intention on the bay leaf. You can substitute for a piece of paper if necessary. Your intention can be simple, such as “money flows to me in large amounts,” or it can be more specific, such as “I receive $250 for my car payment.”

6. Raise your energy as you picture the ideal outcome. Put some of this energy into the bay leaf using your hands.

7. Burn the bay leaf in the candle flame. Once the bay leaf is burning, place it on a fire safe plate or container so you don’t burn your fingers. As the leaf burns, chant:

Money, wealth, riches abound

Find your way to me safe and sound

Fill my pockets and my wallet full

Banish debt with harm none rule.

8. Snuff out your candle and bury the ashes or remains of the bay leaf. If you live in the city as I do, you can bury them in the pot of a small household plant.

At this point, your spell is complete. Make sure you close your circle. You can save your candle in case your spell needs an extra boost; just re-light the candle and meditate on your intention for a bit.

Why Didn’t My Money Spell Work?

There are many reasons why a money spell doesn’t work. However, it’s pretty easy to pinpoint the issue and fix it. I promise – anyone can cast a money spell successfully!

First of all, make sure your spell didn’t work without you realizing it. Take note of any extra money that comes in. Did you get anything from the government? Were you unexpectedly gifted cash, or did you receive an abnormal bonus?

Your money spell results will be in the form of money that’s different from the norm. Your regular bonus that you planned to receive isn’t part of these results, but anything unexpected should be carefully considered. You will know your money spell is working if you a) receive the exact amount you need or b) receive unexpected money multiple times in a short period of time.

If neither of those things have happened then your spell didn’t work. Here are some of the most common reasons why money spells fail.

1. You projected an energy of desperation when you cast the spell. Ideally, you’re picturing yourself feeling rich in both money and life. However, an energy of lack rather than abundance can be quite powerful and can sabotage your spell before it’s even finished.

When you cast money spells, it’s essential that you truly believe that everything will work out. Try to let go of any fear and act as though the money is already on it’s way to you. The second you believe this is the instant that it becomes true. Our thoughts shape our reality.

2. There was no opportunity for money to reach you. If you’re sitting at home, ignoring your friends/family, not reading your email, not applying to jobs, etc., money will have a tough time flowing to you. There’s literally no channels for it to come through!

Try to get out in the world and open up as many avenues as possible for money to come to you. If you don’t know where to start, then simply keep your eyes open. Sometimes, the money spell energy will send you an idea of a way you can make more money rather than tangible money, at least at first. If you already have many avenues open then you can probably expect to receive some actual money.

3. You have personal hangups surrounding money. Typically, this means that you were either taught that money is bad or had experiences that caused you to develop this belief. Alternatively, you may believe that you don’t deserve money and that you aren’t worthy in some way.

Try to clear these beliefs before casting money spells. You can quickly clear some beliefs using the pendulum, or you can do shadow work or even journaling to try and work through this programming. Remember that money is ultimately neutral and you get to choose what energy you attach to any type of currency.

4. You didn’t raise enough energy. On a technical level, any spell needs energy to work. Money spells are no different.

This is the most common reason why money spells fail. If you raised a massive amount of energy, then the spell would probably work on some level, even if you have negative beliefs or don’t have many paths for money to flow through. Ultimately, energy can accomplish the impossible.

You can simply work your jar using more energy or cast your spell again if you prefer candle money spells. I personally love money jar spells because you can add more energy to the jar at any time. On top of raising energy and putting it directly into the jar using your hands, you can charge the jar in a full moon or light a candle and channel that energy into the jar.

I recommend using this meditation to raise energy if you find yourself struggling. You can also try pulling energy from a different element (e.g. raise energy with fire if you previously used earth).

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D. K.
D. K.
Jul 31, 2024

Thanks for the bay leaf money spell! Does the shade or shape of the green candle matter? What if I sprinkled some cinnamon around it?

Replying to

Hello D.K I apologize for the late response, unfortunately I did not receive a notification… but here’s my long winded response and I hope it is helpful:

When performing a bay leaf money spell, the shade of green on the bay leaf generally does not matter. What’s more important is the intent you imbue into the spell and the overall condition of the bay leaf. Ideally, the bay leaf should be intact, vibrant, and not overly brittle, as this symbolizes vitality and abundance. However, whether the leaf is light or dark green won’t impact the spell’s effectiveness—what matters is your focus, belief, and energy.

Adding Cinnamon to Your Bay Leaf Spell

Sprinkling cinnamon around your bay leaf is not only…


NobleOne Goddess
NobleOne Goddess
Feb 05, 2022

I keep telling people using a dollar bill just didn't seem powerful enough to me got to use that 100 dollar bill.

T's Wicked Wonders
T's Wicked Wonders
Feb 09, 2022
Replying to

You are absolutely right!


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