BAY LEAVES Bay leaves have been used for magic since Roman times. They were called “the leaves of the Gods”, and you can find bay leaves in ancient Greek and Roman art.
USE IN SPELLWORK REGARDING: Banishing Luck spells Wishing magic Empowerment work
USE TO INVOKE: The element of fire The zodiac sign Leo The Sun The colors orange, yellow, and green
The most common candle magic spell with bay leaves is writing your wish on a dried bay leaf and burning it in a candle flame. You can also crush it and mix it with pure olive oil and anoint a candle with it.
ROSE PETALS Rose can be one of the most versatile herbs you can have in your arsenal. You can use rose petals dried or fresh to invoke deep feelings about our relationships and our desires.
USE IN SPELLWORK REGARDING: Passion Love Empathy Friendships
USE TO INVOKE: The zodiac sign Taurus The element water The planet Venus Most love and beauty deities
All rose colors also invokes different meanings and feelings you can use to give your candle work a boost. Red for love, passion and beauty. Pink is for admiration/sweetness, Yellow for friendships, kindness. Rose petals can be dried and rubbed onto candles or dried petals burned in the flames. You can also place fresh petals around your candles.
MARJORAM Marjoram is something that most people have in their kitchen cabinets, and has a very wide array of uses for witches from personal healing to love and dream divination.
USE IN SPELLWORK REGARDING: Connecting with primal magic Dream work Psychic awareness Soothing sadness
USE TO INVOKE: The zodiac sign Gemini The elements of air & fire The Sun Aries or Leo
MARJORAM FOR CANDLE MAGICK: Marjoram works best dried and mixed with oil to rub onto candles to boost the spellwork. Marjoram is connected to the planet Mercury and Venus, the elements or air and fire, the colors blue. Yellow and violet.
Pine is a very powerful and easily accessible there are pine trees all over the place to harvest from. Make sure when you harvest that you do so in a respectful way and leave an offering to the tree.
USE IN SPELLWORK REGARDING: Life magic Purification Healing Wealth during hard times.
USE TO INVOKE: Mars The color Black The elements air, earth and fire.
PINE FOR CANDLE MAGICK: Pine is best dried and rubbed on to candles. Make sure the needles are dry and ground up fairly fine.You can also weave a circle of fresh pine needles and place them at the base of your candles.
CHAMOMILE Chamomile also known as ground apple for it’s apple taste when made into a tea has many magical applications and is very easy to find. Chamomile has been used for magic and for healing for thousands of years.
USE IN SPELLWORK REGARDING: Wisdom Wellness Dreams Compassion New beginnings
USE TO INVOKE: The element of water The planetary energy of the sun and the earth The zodiac sign Leo The colors of yellow & white
Chamomile can be crushed with a mortar and pestle and rubbed on a candle mixed with oil, or, sprinkled whole as a candle dressing.
A FEW CANDLE MAGIC HERB TIPS 1. Always use pure olive oil or grapeseed oil to make herb oil to rub on your candles 2. Give your herbs time to sit and infuse with the oil this will help “wake up” Dried herbs 3. Dried herbs work the best for anointing directly on to the candle, fresh herbs can be mashed into a paste to spread on a candle and then allow to dry before burning, or they can be spread near the candles on your altar
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