Several folks have sent messages asking me to post some instructions on learning to skry. Since doing the job right will take a while, I'm going to do it in sections, as I have the time. Here's a rough outline of what needs to be covered, IMO:
1. Preliminaries
- Relaxation
- Concentration
2. Creating a “Refuge” or “Sacred Space”
- General considerations
- Establishing the space
- Establishing your “astral” body in the space
- The “surprise me” technique
- The “magick mirror”
- Pathworking
3. Testing your visions
4. Applying these skills to Enochian magick.
For some parts of this I can adapt things I've already written for other contexts; for other parts, I'll be starting from scratch, and may need a few iterations before I have something I feel comfortable posting. So the posts in the series are likely to be erratic. No one should hesitate to ask questions if anything isn't clear; I know my prose gets cumbersome at times.
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