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Clairsentience and Clairvoyance Pt. 1

Writer: T's Wicked WondersT's Wicked Wonders

Clairsentience, is when you tune into universal energies, this is where you touch something and have a feeling, such as going to an antique shop and picking up an item that sends a shiver up your spine, or touching an old book and feeling emotional, this can also happen when you go to a museum. What you feel or sense, is your psyche giving you a direct message.

Clairvoyance and Psychometry

With psychometry the energy is trapped within an object, and you are able to tune into the energy contained within, such as thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas of those who have handled the object. This can be a very revealing activity and is something that anyone can learn to do. Information can be gathered from an item that belongs to someone on the earth plane, and from someone who is deceased.

Clairvoyance and Psychokinesis

This is where you can hold a crystal on a chain, and with your mind move the object from left to right, from side to side, backwards and forwards, or in circles, the object is responding to the promptings of the unconscious mind. This helps you to strengthen and enhance your psychic abilities.


As you practice you will find that you begin to see auras, some are very bright and vivid, others are dull, and some are barley there, much depends on the energy of the person you are reading. Everyone has a continual energy field and when you are well, happy and in sync with your life, it will be bright and glowing. If you are feeling down and out of sorts it will be dull and heavy, the more you work with psychic energies the easier it will be to see the auras of others.

A person’s aura can reveal if they are stressed, tired, lacking confidence. An aura can be seen around the person, or can be seen with the mind’s eye, it all depends on how you personally develop psychically. The aura can reflect the mood and personality of a person, the most visible aura is around the head, and when you begin is likely to be seen as a white glowing light. People’s aura changes constantly and the aura reveals the mood of a person, different colours can represent different moods.

A red aura is to do with passion, movement, change and sometimes, anger, lust or stubbornness. Orange relates to abundance, creativity, fertility, independence, joy, confidence, eccentricity, low self-esteem un-sociability, each colour in the aura spectrum has a positive and negative connotation, it depends on the mood of the person being read for.

A yellow aura relates to expertise, adaptability, logic, financial ability, or jealousy and emotional distance. Green relates to a lover of beauty, fidelity, healing, travel, empathy, or possessiveness, sentimentality, dependency on others.

A blue aura relates to harmony, powerful leadership skills, justice and knowledge, emotional balance or over-reaction, pedantic, rules and regulations, and a tendency to oscillate with decision making.

A purple aura relates to spiritual powers, imagination, psychic abilities, a visionary or unrealistic person, someone who lives in a fantasy world.

A pink aura relates to the quintessential peacemaker, a healer, teacher, nurturer, or someone who has undefined principals, over-anxiety, and is a martyr.

A brown aura reveals, security, a trustworthy person, a good financial manager, a stable person, or someone who is materialistic, or someone who is overwhelmed by life.

A grey aura represents someone who is tactful, adaptable, likes to remain under the radar, someone who is flexible, secretive or has an inability to commit.

By being aware of the meaning of the aura colours when you are doing a reading, you will be able to sense whether there is a positive or negative energy emanating.

Past Lives

As you are learning to expand your clairvoyant abilities you may also believe in, and be interested in tapping your past lives. Past lives can help you to better understand the life you are now leading, past-life work can help people who have destructive or unworkable habits or behaviors in this lifetime. Even a relationship you are currently in may be associated with a past life.

It is thought that we have many lifetimes, and are associated with the same people over and over, in a variety of ways. You may have an overwhelming connection with someone and feel you have known them before, the connection is instinctive, this could be mother, father, brother, partner, child, friend.

You can often identify those that you have this type of connection with or it can work in the opposite way and you find people that you take an intense dislike to and you don’t know why, past-life work can reveal why this is so.

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