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Clairvoyance Pt. 3

Writer: T's Wicked WondersT's Wicked Wonders

After you master psychometry you can try reading people, first try this with friends, you could even have a regular meditation class and work with others who are interested in metaphysical matters, you read people without holding anything.

You look past them as though you are looking at their aura, you then reveal to them what is coming to you, when doing this approach with an open mind, and don’t take yourself too seriously, you can have fun as you learn. After you have practiced reading for your friends, you can try reading people when you are out in public, maybe when you are next sitting having a cup of coffee in a shop, or sitting on a train, or in a taxi, eating out, or just walking along. Energy is bouncing around you all the time, and if you tune in, you will find that you can receive all sorts of information just by being more alert.

In a way it is like trying to find a radio channel, you keep turning the switch until you find the right frequency, which then allows you to hear the music clearly. What you are trying to do is to find your particular frequency, once you do this you will learn how to turn it on and off, you will be able to open yourself up when you choose, and close yourself off when you choose.

I would suggest that when you begin your psychic work, you designate an area within your home where you will be working, you can practice your psychic enhancement, and meditate here as well, it can be a room in your home, or an area where you can work comfortably. For your work space you will require a table, it need not be elaborate, place a cloth of your choice over the table, (which is your altar) velvet is a nice choice, especially black or purple.

Place two candles in candle holders, at either end of the table, also have some incense that you can light each time you work. You will need four coloured candles, representing the four elements, green represents north and the element earth, the red candle represents south and the element fire, blue represents west and the element water, the yellow candles represents east and the element air.

Place these candles north, south, east and west, on your table and light them each time you work. Have an oil essence burner and something that is alive, such as flowers or a plant. Choose a set of tarot cards that you like and have a set of rune stones, place crystals of your choice on your altar and place your tarot cards and rune stones to the left of your altar, next to the candle.

Keep your essential oils in a container on your altar, begin with rose, jasmine, gardenia and lavender and add to these depending on your personal choice, do the same with your incense, choose the fragrances that appeal to you. Place a crystal ball with stand, in the center of your altar. Use a smudge stick before you begin any psychic work, then light your incense, candles and oil essence.

Your first step before you begin any psychic work, is to open your chakras, these are your inner energy centers. Begin by sitting comfortably, breathe in deeply and exhale fully, keep doing this until you feel totally relaxed, then visualise the colour red which is at the base of your spine, this is your base chakra the beginning of your energy flow, visualise a vibrant red glow, you may notice a warm tingling sensation, see this light moving up your spine to the next chakra which is orange, this is your sacral chakra.

See the red light merge into the orange light and continue moving up, next you have the colour yellow which is your solar plexus chakra; envisage the orange chakra merging with the yellow chakra. Visualise the yellow chakra merge with the heart chakra, which is green, visualise the green light merging with the blue, of your throat chakra, this merges with the third eye chakra, which is purple.

The final chakra is the crown chakra and this is violet, envisage the purple third eye chakra merging with the violet crown chakra. Imagine light bursting from the top of your head and pouring out to the universe. As this takes place you should feel a wonderful sense of peace and be completely at ease and ready to meditate, before beginning your psychic work.

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