The use of specially blended oils have a long history in the use of magick and were used as far back as the time of Moses and most likely many years before that time as well. Today, magickal oils are not only used by Witches and Pagans, but many other magickal and non-magickal spiritual traditions as well, including some denominations of Christianity.
However, it is in the Hoodoo tradition of folk magick, that the use of magickal oils has reached new heights. Today, many Rootworkers purchase their oils from reputable merchants, who manufacture them in great numbers; however, one can still never be sure exactly what herbs and ingredients have been included in the oil. Rootworkers as far back as 50 or more years ago actually gathered and dried their own herbs in order to make their own oils based on formulas that were passed down to them through the generations.
In foreign countries where people are still closely connected to the land and herbs are still found in abundance practitioners still make their own oils from fresh ingredients. Because of the personal attention and freshness of ingredients used in making one’s own oils they are thought to be much more powerful than those purchased from manufacturers. Should you choose to make your own oils, it is important that you do your own research and make sure that you know exactly what you are putting into your formulas.
How Oils are Used in Hoodoo Generally speaking condition-oils are used in two ways. They are ‘anointing’ and ‘dressing.’ Anointing means to rub the oil on yourself, another individual, or even an animal. Dressing means to rub the oil on a candle, mojo bag, talisman, or other inanimate object. Having said that, Anointing and Dressing Oils can be used in a myriad of ways. They can be worn as a scent for spiritual purpose. They can be wiped onto the person whom one wishes to influence. They can be used to "dress" a candle, a mojo bag, or a talisman They can be added to bath salts. They can be used in a magickal lamp. They can be used in conjunction with other magical items to create a focal point for the work being done. The methods employed by practitioners to anoint or dress vary from person to person. These methods usually follow some form of symbolism or tradition and may only make sense to the individual.
The directions below are merely a guide and you are encouraged to find what works best for you. If you are anointing yourself or another for the purpose of taking off hexes, banishing illness, or spiritual cleansing, rub the body downward beginning at the head and ending at the foot. Then rub down the arms, out at the hands; and finally down the legs and out the feet and toes. If you are anointing yourself or another to bring in desired conditions, draw love, money, or luck, rub the entire body upwards from the soles of the feet towards the armpits, then from palms of hands to armpits, then up over the head to the mould of the head.
Safe Practices:
Essential Oils Essential oils are inhaled or applied topically to the skin, but with few exceptions, they are never taken internally. Of the most common essential oils, lavender, tea tree, lemon, sandalwood, and rose can be used undiluted. The rest should be diluted in a carrier base, which can be an oil (such as almond oil), a cream, or a gel, before being applied to the skin. Many essential oils may cause irritation or allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin.
Before applying any new oil to your skin, always do a patch test. Put a few drops of the essential oil, mixed with the carrier, on the back of your wrist and wait for an hour or more. If irritation or redness occurs, was the area with cold water, in the future use half the amount of essential oil or avoid it altogether. Do not use essential oils at home for serious medical problems. During pregnancy, do not use essential oils unless they are approved by a doctor.
Essential oils are not appropriate for children of any age. Store essential oils in dark bottles, away from light and heat and out of the reach of children and pets. Flower essences are not essential oils, but they are not recommended for us in the eyes, on mucous membranes, or on broken or abraded skin. Most flower essences contain alcohol as a preservative, so if you are sensitive to alcohol, check with your doctor before using them.
Recipes: Condition Oils
1) Attraction Oil Use this oil to attract anything that you desire. Olive Oil (carrier) Lodestone Chunk Lodestone Grit
2) High John the Conqueror Root Oil Use this oil for power, mastery, and money. Olive Oil (carrier oil) Clove Essential Oil Whole High John Root (small) High John Root Powder/Chips Cinnamon Powder
3) Love Me Tender Oil Use this oil to draw a new love or take a casual relationship to a new level. Grapeseed Oil (carrier) Vanilla Essential Oil Sandalwood Essential Oil Dill Seed Coriander Leaves Cinnamon Chips
4) Purple Power Oil Use to attract a gay lover Olive Oil (carrier) 12 Lavender Buds Sandalwood Essential Oil Lavender Essential Oil
5) Trinka-Five Oil For drawing money and prosperity Almond Oil (carrier) Mint Leaves 3 Whole Allspice Thyme Cinnamon Chips
6) Wishing Well Use this formula to make wishes come true. Grapeseed Oil (carrier) Sandalwood Essential Oil Whole Dandelion Root Sandalwood Drawing Powder
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