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Writer's picture: T's Wicked WondersT's Wicked Wonders

If you wish to make an astrological herb garden, you can section a planting area into seven sections, the Sun, the Moon, the planets Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Plant the following in the Sun section, on a Sunday, do it when the moon is full, saffron, angelica, lovage, rosemary, chamomile. Plant the Moon section on a Monday when the Moon is new, saxifrage, moonwort and purslane. In the Mars area plant on a Tuesday during a half Moon, horseradish, rhubarb, basil, garlic. In your Mercury area, plant on a Wednesday during a new moon, fennel, lavender, parsley, dill and caraway. For your Jupiter section, plant on a Thursday during a new moon, chervil sage, asparagus and borage. For the section dedicated to the planet Venus begin planting on a Friday when the moon is full, mugwort, strawberry, vervain and violets. On a Saturday during a half Moon you can plant, mullein, Solomon’s seal, comfrey and bistort.

To build a beautiful garden of love and magic, the following herbs can be planted on a night when the Moon is full, daffodil, hibiscus, gentian, geranium, gardenia, coriander, basil, Adam and Eve, catnip, cherry, gentian, love seed, jasmine, lavender, poppy, valerian, vanilla, yarrow, willow, pansy, peppermint, lemon verbena, love seed, maidenhair, strawberry, thyme, hibiscus and hyacinth. If you want to draw love into your life, place the root of an orchid plant in a jar, add some rose oil and seal the jar, recite the following twice;

Venus planet of love let true love be

Love is mine it is to be

Love will be bound for you and me

This special love is meant to be

So it will be

Intense love there is to be

Overwhelming love is to be

Leave the jar out in the night for three weeks then open it, take the orchid root from the jar and place it next to the bed, before going to sleep touch the root and recite twice for three nights in a row, this is said to bring powerful love into your life. Another powerful love enchantment, is the burning of wood aloes on a Saturday night during a new moon, you think deeply of lover coming into your life before the next new moon.

A spell for wealth, take three gold coins and wrap them in gold paper, tie with a gold ribbon and place them in the soil beneath a lucky bamboo plant, do this only when the moon is full, maintain the plant with tender loving care to help it become strong and sturdy. Witches often use the hop plant to draw prosperity and good luck, it was hung in the doorway of the kitchen, many people would go to the witch to have the plant enchanted before using it, a witch’s chant will make the plant more powerful. The hop plant has been used by witches for centuries as a healing remedy, hops was mixed with incense and burned to help heal maladies and to ward off nightmares, it was also used to treat insomnia. Black candle mixed with salt and burned, was used by sorcerers and witches alike to help people who had difficult financial or legal matters, it was said to help things turn in their favour. Before legal matter, or any undertakings to do with money or the law, the burning of dried galangal was practiced by witches.

If you wish to attract spirits to your garden, you can plant the following, thistle, sweet grass, lavender, dandelion and wormwood, mix these with various flowers and plants and each evening go into your garden and chant to the nature spirits. You may think of someone who has passed away and call on them to visit you.

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this night

Come hither laugh and sing

I call you to be

Open arms to embrace

Spirit light spirit bright

May you enter my garden this night

Let it be

The following will ward off unwanted spirits, you can burn a sage stick, plant holly around your home, hang fennel in the doorways, burn the root of dried ginseng, you many carry fennel seed on your person in a tiny bag tied with a black ribbon, you can also hang St. Johns wort over doorways, or carry it in a small bag tied with a black ribbon. To ward off evil spirits place a bag of cinquefoil tied with a black ribbon under your pillow, it will keep the bad spirits away and ensure you have a restful night’s sleep.

To keep your home and family safe you can plant a garden of protection with the following, marigold rose, rosemary, thistle, willow, radish, mugwort, lavender, hazel carnation, cactus, basil, clove, aloe vera, bloodroot, mandrake, raspberry, oak, parsley, mint, lily, mulberry, lilac, ivy, juniper, fennel, wolf’s bane and snapdragon.

Metaphysical and spiritual store | T's Wicked Wonders

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