All effective magick stands on three legs: imagination , emotion , and feeling everything else - all the words and gestures, the implements and costumes, the elaborate circles and furniture - serve only to reinforce and focus these three capacities. If any of these three is lacking, then the work is likely to fail once you are skilled in using all three, you can dispense with practically all the other things people sometimes insist are essential to the practice.
Of the three, emotion is the power that drives the whole show emotion from the guts, and from the heart. I will go even further it is not just emotion, but passion that is the power behind magick. Passion in the sense of an intense desire to be connected to that which you are seeking to invoke a desire that places no restrictions or limits on the connection, but which is so one-pointed that nothing save that which is sought is included within its focus. And passion in the sense of a boundless enthusiasm for the acts by which you seek to create that connection. Admittedly, this is the ideal case but the closer you can get to it, even for a few moments, the more likely your work is to be successful.
This passion-for-connection is what creates the magickal link between the magician and that which he is invoking or, if the link already exists, expands it and strengthens it. The emotion literally creates a channel or umbilicus between them, through which energy and knowledge can flow in either direction. The stronger the emotion, the stronger the link becomes the less energy is lost in side-thoughts and distractions, the stronger the link becomes. Thus a one-pointed focus is most desirable.
About Author:
Benjamin Rowe (1952 - 2002) was an American Kaballist and ceremonial magician who published numerous articles on the Kabbalah and the magical system communicated to Dr. John Dee by angels known as Enochian magic. He incorporated Golden Dawn components into his version of the system and drew from the ritual structure laid out by Frater Achad. He was one of the few Enochian magicians who did ritual work and published his findings. He was active on the Internet under his own name and under the alias of Josh Norton.
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